Abortion has been one of the most heated topics being debated in the United States and Canada. Abortion is a discussion of human interaction where ethics, emotions, and law come together. There are people that have different views of abortion but no matter what their view is they fall under a thin line.
There is the pro-choice and the pro-life. These are the only two categories that people’s views fall into. A pro-choice person would feel that the decision to abort a pregnancy is that of the mothers and the government has no right to interfere. A pro-life person would believe that from the moment of conception, the embryo or fetus is alive. Since this embryo or fetus is alive and is a person, you have no moral right to abort a life. If you aborted the life (person) you would be committing murder.
The word “murder” is mainly used by pro-lifers to describe what happens when you abort an embryo/fetus. Murder means intentional and for no reason the killing of another person. Do pro-choicers wonder how anyone can tell a woman that she can’t abort an embryo/fetus to interrupt a pregnancy if it is a result of rape or incest? A woman cannot bear the thought of having a child that would be a constant reminder of her trauma.
Currently, an estimated 1,365,000 million women receive abortions in America annually. Approximately 40 million abortions have been performed since 1973 (1). According to a case, Rex v. Beare, Abortion has been part of human lives since the 1700s (8). Many sources also state that it has been practiced quite a long time in history before the 1700s. Whether or not abortion should be a right of a mother or banned completely is an issue that could be debated, and has been debated, for years. The controversy of this issue partly depends on the fact that different people have different measures of defining ‘Human-life.’ Some people believe a soul is given to a human being, by God, while it is developing in the mother’s womb, and some believe it is given to the child after its birth. Both cases seem to be based on opinions and what each side promptly believes in.
According to World Net, abortion is defined as the termination of pregnancy (9). There are two main types of abortions; Medical abortion and surgical abortion. In a medical abortion, the mother’s uterus is not treated; instead, the mother is given medication to end the pregnancy. There are two medications that can be legally induced in the United States, mifepristone.